We promote sustainable wood construction by developing innovative, high-performing and environmentally friendly flame retardants for wood products.
The increasing popularity of sustainable timber construction is accompanied by strong demand for durable, low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) flame retardants that meet the demands of the latest fire safety regulations, enable industrial fire protection of wood and are easy to maintain. At Nordtreat, we develop and produce non-toxic flame retardants for the global wood construction sector.
The innovative use of non-harmful chemical compounds and the thorough testing and certification of our products and processes form the core of our existence. Our goal is to minimise the environmental impacts of flame retardant production and fire-protected wood constructions throughout their lifecycles without compromising fire protection performance.
Furthermore, we have set the goal of reducing the VOC contribution of flame retardants in new wooden buildings in Europe to zero by 2025. The use of non-emitting fire-safe wood products in construction will afford a remarkable improvement in the health and safety of new buildings. We are also striving to bring the cost of industrial flame retardant treatments to a par with that of non-flame retardant treatments, which will improve the availability of prefabricated ready-to-install fire-protected wood products.
Photo: "Treet" (Tree) - Artec - David Valldeby
Our products are used by leading industrial wood products manufacturers and treaters around the world. Some of the world’s largest wooden buildings feature wood products treated with Nordtreat flame retardant solutions.
Nordtreat’s story started in 2015, when experienced cleantech professionals, including Ari Risku and Aki Borgentorp, decided to use their more than ten years’ experience with flame retardants to create patented new solutions, focusing on certified performance and environmental safety. Today, this business development is enhanced by widely experienced Board members and investors, some of whom also work for the company.
Nordtreat is the forerunner in fire protecting wood products, thanks to our active and thorough cooperation with leading international research institutes, universities, partners and industrial customers.
SONGWON’s stand at the K2019 Fair held in October 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany, featuring wood structures treated with Nordtreat’s flame retardants.
Nordtreat is based in Vantaa, Finland, in modern office, laboratory and production premises.
Our sales offices in support a global partner network of treatment facilities, distributors, wood producers, construction companies, fire consultants and architects with an extensive portfolio of solutions and services.
Nordtreat’s reputation as a responsible company is based on a set of principles regarding our behaviour towards employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, authorities, and all of the people living and working in environments protected by Nordtreat’s solutions around the world.
In our work, we contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. We are also committed to the principles of the UN Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s fundamental conventions, as well as the OECD guidelines for multinational companies.
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