The use of wooden construction products requires effective fire protection treatment in many building applications. Appropriate protection can be achieved by using industrially fire-retardant treated and CE marked wood products or, if prefabrication is not an option, by treating the wood panels and elements on-site during the building process.
Industrial fire-retardant treatment of wood products provides significant advantages compared with on-site treatment. Leading wood panel and wood element manufacturers provide certified ready-to-use fire protection products, which simplify the building process and secure optimal fire protection.
Fazer visitor center with fire protected roof elements.
On-site treatment is primarily needed only when the structures have already been installed without required fire protection. When this is needed, the choice of fire retardant with manufacturer’s support in treatment and required documentation will speed up the process together with an ideal outcome.
Successful builders seek an optimal balance between quality and cost of construction. The use of certified ready-to-use wood products simplifies the building process, which in turn saves time and money.
The choice of prefabricated fire-retardant treated wood products ensures the quality of the fire protection: treatment has been done in a controlled environment, using a CE certified process. Industrial fire-retardant treatments are stable, last longer and are generally more cost effective than on-site treatments. With an optimal fire-retardant choice, there is no need for additional treatments at the building site.
CE marking is mandatory for construction products, and concerning fire protection, it is only available for prefabricated wood products. CE marked prefabricated products also save time and resources in the approval process, as standardised products are typically approved for use without additional needs for testing, research, etc.
Wood product manufacturers which already produce CE marked construction products can extend their CE marking rights to cover Nordtreat fire retardant treatment for fire classification B-s1,d0 requirements, provided that they pass an audit of the treatment process and meet the technical requirements as per Nordtreat’s certifications.
Eskolantie apartment bocks with fire protected CTL elements.
All Nordtreat’s certified fire-retardant treatment partners supply prefabricated wood products manufactured according to a standardised process. This means that the quality of protected products is very stable and predictable, securing excellent durability and lasting quality of fire protection.
In a factory environment, the fire-retardant retention is well optimised. This enables minimal excess use and waste output of both fire retardants and wood materials, which reduces production costs. Furthermore, water-based Nordtreat fire retardants are safe to use – meaning further savings for the producer.
On-site treatment is recommended only when the use of prefabricated ready-to-use products is not an option. Typically this happens when a wood structure is already in place and the need for fire protection is discovered at a later stage. Fire-retardant treatment on-site is also necessary if prefabricated products are cut or modified after being delivered by a certified treater.
When on-site treatment is the best option to meet fire safety regulations of fire classification B-s1,d0, there are several aspects to consider. The chosen fire retardant should suit to all wood products requiring fire protection at the building site. Also the optimal treatment method, conditions as well as needed time and documentation should be evaluated before a decision.
Is the fire retardant suitable for the species used in the products? For example, Nortdtreat fire retardants can be used for wood products made of spruce, larch and cedar. The non-toxic product can be applied on-site by spraying or brushing.

Villa Riihi with fire protected interior panels.
In the case of on-site application, a treatment specification of the fire protection should be generated. It specifies the treatment circumstances (temperature, relative humidity, humidity of the wood material etc.) as well as the treatment method, application rate and mounting instructions.
When needed, Nordtreat’s technical support provides appropriate guidance and generates the required documentation for construction companies and designers.
The time and cost of the treatment depends on the wood product in question plus a variety of other factors. Nordtreat has extensive experience in on-site treatments. We are pleased to assist builders and designers in estimating the required resources, as well as in establishing connections with experienced fire retardant-treatment providers.